How to Find the Best Instagram Influencers for Dropshipping Shoutouts 2019 | Skyrocket Your Sales!

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Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL In this guide, you'll learn how you can easily find Instagram influencers for your business. And it doesn't matter if you're doing dropshipping on shopify or you're running a brand this method will increase your sales. Once you make a list of all influencers and you apply my formula it will be very easy to determine which shoutouts are worth your money and which are not. In this guide, I'll be using Phlanx tool which helps to find the engagement rate of certain profiles. And I'll be using Excel to enter all data and use one formula which will help to decide if it's worth to buy a shoutout. --Don't buy shoutouts from smaller profiles than 80k followers --Never waste your money on extremely large profiles above 600k-500k --Instagram influencers with an engagement rate below 5% are useless. ---Get Template--- Don't forget to join my Facebook group, where I'll be sharing more content about other social media platforms, SEO tips and much more. If you'll have any questions feel free to ask. - FACEBOOK MASTERMIND GROUP -


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