
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2018

نكمل قرايتي او نخدم فالويب؟؟!! 🧐

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/i9v3P5_MQBA Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL نكمل قرايتي او نخدم فالويب؟؟!! 🧐 سالا الففيديو قبل مانكمل الهدرة 😞 المهم كنتمنا الفكرة تكون وصلات وكنتمنا نكون فدتكم ولو شوية... شكرا على تقتكم وحبكم ❤️❤️❤️. وكونو اكيدين انني كانجوتيمكم قوتش ❤️❤️❤️ الله اوفقكم يارب امين! My Instagram: https://ift.tt/2E9zIDz

Jack Ma goes head to head with employees for Alibaba’s Singles’ Day (11.11)

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/6z2JsP-TCxQ Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: https://ift.tt/2qHOrkO Singles’ Day is China’s largest online shopping day of the year, initiated 10 years ago by the Alibaba Group. The massive shopping extravaganza requires thousands of workers executing a variety of tasks to process millions of orders that come in by the second. This year, Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma took on a series of tasks on the supply chain and competed against some “experts”.

جمال عبد الناصر.. بطل عروبي أم ديكتاتور فاشل؟

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/XAE9Sm3DQ9g Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL البطل الخالد كما يسميه محبوه.. و"الظاهرة الصوتية" كما يسميه خصومه، دخلت #مصر في عهده مرحلة نهوض صناعي واقتصادي، لكنها منيت بسلاسل من الهزائم، قاوم الانجليز والصهاينة، لكنه اضطهد معارضيه وقتل وأسس للدولة البوليسية العربية التي لا زالت تقتل الشعوب في مصر وسوريا وليبيا والعراق!.. فأي من الشخصيات هو عبدالناصر؟.. بطل عروبي، أم ديكتاتور فاشل؟ لمتابعتنا على تويتر https://twitter.com/ajmidan للتواصل معنا على فيسبوك https://ift.tt/2qGD8Jx للاستماع لتقارير ميدان على ساوند كلاود https://ift.tt/2FjqSZO لتصفح موقعنا الإلكتروني https://ift.tt/2j5h1XO

TRUMP VS ALIENS (Watch Before It's Deleted Again!)

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/D5olFIGW5rI Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL I can’t believe what Donald Trump just said! The crazy thing is, maybe he’s RIGHT! A War with Aliens would fix Racism, Sexism, and end every War instantly. Thoughts? Don't forget to like, comment and SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/3bBv52 For more inspirational videos, watch: Why I'm Happy Trump Won https://goo.gl/fXyi30 I Quit https://goo.gl/CS3TQK We Need To Talk About Mental Health http://bit.ly/2HGcgA3 Keep in touch with me around the web for more inspiring content. https://ift.tt/2e2fe3x https://ift.tt/1GIZ0Ju http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEa // @PrinceEa https://ift.tt/2pb106O Get Exclusive Videos, Discounts, and Updates here: https://ift.tt/2f5Zu2U


YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/meYSF0d-7n8 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Are you destroying your life and the lives of those around you with your anger issues? Stop spreading this disease today. Don't forget to like, comment and SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/3bBv52 For more inspirational content, watch: Anger Eating Monster https://goo.gl/bK2UtR Sticks and Stones http://bit.ly/2BXplCf How To STOP Negative/Stressful Thinking Once and For All https://goo.gl/kTLSVj Directed/Edited: Spencer Sharp Actors (In Order): Brian Benson, Ilona Hovani, Roman George For more inspirational videos watch: A Powerful Story About Life https://goo.gl/VUYG3P Anger Eating Monster https://goo.gl/bK2UtR Everybody Dies But Not Everybody Lives https://goo.gl/xyiH9C Keep in touch with me around the web for more inspiring content. https://ift.tt/2e2fe3x https://ift.tt/1GIZ0Ju http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEa // @PrinceEa https://ift.tt/2pb106O Get Exclusive Videos, Discounts, and Updates here: https:/...

Welcome to the Global Girls Alliance

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/E-nIJDHWBkI Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Right now, more than 98 million adolescent girls around the world are not in school. We all have a responsibility to change that. On International Day of the Girl, the Obama Foundation launched the Global Girls Alliance—a program which seeks to empower adolescent girls around the world through education, allowing them to achieve their full potential and to transform their families, communities, and countries. Join the alliance—because the future of our world is only as bright as our girls. https://ift.tt/2AGjH9B