
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2018

Historisch shorttrackgoud voor Suzanne Schulting

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/a6BvDBNnQRI Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

نهاية عطلة الأسبوع في امريكا. كيف تنجح في حياتك

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/RqcXuogVJRE Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL

Forget smashed avocado, chickpea flakes could be the next big breakfast trend

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/veqIb5iGG84 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Ashton Kutcher Reveals Surprising Way He Got Over Demi Moore Divorce

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/Tcpw1fvV0d8 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com sources: cnn cbc bbc msn we respects all rights and this video is under fair use

Why Sylvia Jeffreys will be 'gobsmacked' to receive an invite to Karl Stefanovic's wedding

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/uBTn_7nknh8 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com sources : aol cbc bbc msn we respects all rights and this video is under fair use

88 jarige veteraan deelt karateklap uit bij redden vrouw van overvallers

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/iUBcrOZtGfI Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Wagner to head back to county champions Essex

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/fzqoWf3g4dU Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Kanes schmerzhafte Erinnerung an Chiellini

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/K0LRF7hq0tE Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Australia's Matt Graham wins a silver medal in men's moguls in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/_bMMI9sl33E Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Matt Graham has won Australia's first medal at the Winter Olympics, taking silver in the men's mogul sources : abc news ap msn bbc every right is respected contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Why Margot Robbie Didn't Go 'Full' Tonya Harding

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/vdV1NGFMRtg Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Suspected poacher eaten by lions in South Africa

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/ek_YGUzcLN0 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com sources : ap news msn bbc cnn

College student fails assignment because professor thinks Australia isn't a country

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/xwnOt7YCmJ8 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL An Idaho woman failed a college assignment because her professor didn't believe Australia was a country. Ashley Arnold, 27 was taking the course as distance learning for her Sociology degree from Southern New Hampshire University, Buzzfeed reports. She was supposed to compare a social norm in another country with the United States and she chose social media use in Australia. However the professor failed her outright for the project, saying Ms Arnold did not correctly pick a country to compare the US to and instead chose a continent. Australia is in fact the only place in the world to be both a country and a continent. Ms Arnold told Buzzfeed she was shocked the professor had not checked whether she was wrong about Australia's status. "If she's hesitating or questioning that, why wouldn't she just google that herself? " she said. However when she queried her grade, and provid...

تصنيع الموبايلات في الجزائر تونس ومصر

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/nVhzgJy8a-g Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL بكل فخر https://youtu.be/80xYvZlEBkU CONDOR, AN ALGERIAN HIGH-TECH GIANT IN THE MAKING https://goo.gl/1oKMfh =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= قناة زان:: https://goo.gl/0h7560 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= اشتركوا بالقناة الرئيسية زان و حسان: https://goo.gl/ibZnBZ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= فلوقات حسان في دولة الإمارات عن كل شيء ممكن تفكر فيه An Arab man that vlogs/blog daily from the uae about random things he come across. Hassan Alsheikh | حسان الشيخ - 2017 w: http://ift.tt/1CSC7u3 f: http://ift.tt/2GJhpI3 t: http://twitter.com/HassanAlsheikh IG: http://ift.tt/2s3dfHt SC: http://ift.tt/2GFojhb Telegram: http://ift.tt/1JJNwRF Periscope" http://ift.tt/2GJgWph =-=-=-==-=

ARABIC VLOG #9 يابانية في الجزائر

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/nfn10m0Vyp0 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL للاشتراك في القناة https://goo.gl/rYg42E حساباتي على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي 📘 FaceBook / جزائري في اليابان http://ift.tt/2s54Ovm 📸 Instagram http://ift.tt/2GL7dPc 🐣 Twitter https://twitter.com/algerianinjapan 📘 FaceBook / الصفحة الانجليزية http://ift.tt/2rZ0Lk0 ----------------------------------------­­------------------------------------ MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO By The Croft by Joakim Karud @joakimkarud Go With Me by Dj Quads Darling by Dj Quads Silhouette by Jorm @iamjorm Broken by Jorm @iamjorm Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/J5-oolUSrMU http://ift.tt/2m3zPbI ----------- مع تحيات جزائري في اليابان #ALGERIANINJAPAN Monder the Wanderer

نصائح للبنات ... خلصيلو مصرياتو !

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/B7EkTJfXpEs Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL نصائح للبنات ... خلصيلو مصرياتو ! دكتورة يومي كيف تتعاملي مع موضوع الخيانة ما هو الحب ؟! غيرة المتزوجين