
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2017

السليط الإخباري - عودة نفرتيتي | الحلقة (5) الموسم الرابع

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/959CZ9zK8vM Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL لمتابعة حلقات "السليط الاخباري" https://goo.gl/sCG87B السليط الإخباري - عودة نفرتيتي | الحلقة (5) الموسم الرابع انتحار الملكة نفرتيتي بعد عودتها للحياة واصطدامها بالواقع جميع حلقات "السليط الاخباري" https://goo.gl/jg5VNX تقديم: نيكولاس خوري إعداد وكتابة: أحمد الخالدي ونيكولاس خوري منتج: أحمد الخالدي مسؤول الإنتاج: أنس الداود وناديا حموري المنتج التنفيذي: لينا منصور مدير الإضاءة والتصوير: محمد بشير تصوير: هشام قمارة ومحمد بشير هندسة الصوت: أحمد خليف وحمزة التابعي مونتاج: جويس طراد جرافيكس: صفاء سلامة ومحمد عكليك تحريك: جوزيف شيبان وشريف فودة ومحمد كاخي وعمر لباد مسؤول الإبداع: مؤمن بناني مراجعة: محمد إمام إخراج: غريغوري عيد كن جزءاً من مجتمعنا https://goo.gl/sCG87B لمتابعتنا على https://twitter.com/ajplusarabi http://ift.tt/1PxlFsD موقعنا: http://ajplus.net/arabi

القوة و اليقظة

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/fOf0v5saxUY Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL هناك قوة عظيمة بداخل كل شخص فينا هناك طاقة تحوي الكون كله بداخلنا الكون كله و الواقع كله موجود في عقولنا ! و ما نراه في الواقع موجود في عقولنا ونستطيع تغيير كل شيء و العيش في كل شيء و صنع كل شيء و هده القوة العظيمة التي بداخلنا

New bionics let us run, climb and dance | Hugh Herr

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/CDsNZJTWw0w Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Hugh Herr is building the next generation of bionic limbs, robotic prosthetics inspired by nature's own designs. Herr lost both legs in a climbing accident 30 years ago; now, as the head of the MIT Media Lab's Biomechatronics group, he shows his incredible technology in a talk that's both technical and deeply personal — with the help of ballroom dancer Adrianne Haslet-Davis, who lost her left leg in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, and performs again for the first time on the TED stage. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://ift.tt/maCRwI Fo...

Saving enough green onion seeds to share with a lot of you!

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/4m-tVEp4YiU Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Last year when I planted my green onions, it didn't seem like all that many, but after overwintering about half of them, I have lots of seeds to share. I will show you the stages of the flowering and what to look for when the seeds are ready to harvest. I will also show you a few ways to harvest the seeds from the flower heads. Onions are some of the easier seeds to save. I will be sharing many of these in Ray's seed swap in November, but I will also be giving away seeds in a few weeks in my own seed giveaway. Because I want to give away more than just green onion seeds, I will be giving them away to only 25 people that will be selected randomly. However, to make this even more exciting, I will give the first winner several different types of seeds, and the next 4 a few extra types. If you aren't selected, I will be offering seeds at the seed swap as well. You can find Ray here on YouTube...

Pepper Mania- Seed Giveaway Winners!

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/Ni4Atm54JrI Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL A fun few facts about peppers for you guys. Also the results of the seen giveaway! Winners: Linda Lee David Deane Massadar Congrats!!!! You will all receive: 1pk arugula seed 1pk radish seed 1pk scallion seed 1pk chamomile seed *Please send me your address in private message or email me at kateinthecityus@gmail.com "Don't Judge a Book" Did you like the song on this video? Check out Ty da Tyrant on Soundcloud at: http://ift.tt/2wlzyK3 Check out my facebook page at: http://ift.tt/2xfUSNi Tweet me at: https://twitter.com/Ubuntu_grl

Dr. Ken Jeong Reviews House, Dr. Oz & Other TV Doctors | Vanity Fair

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/lOtaF_57lww Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Ken Jeong is both a doctor on TV and a doctor in real life. Watch him review other TV doctors like Dr. Oz, George Clooney in ER, Hugh Laurie in House, Dr. Bones McCoy in Star Trek, and the many doctors of Grey's Anatomy. The new season of 'Dr. Ken' starring Dr. Ken Jeong starts on September 23 on ABC. Still haven’t subscribed to Vanity Fair on YouTube? ►► http://vnty.fr/1yNomg4 CONNECT WITH VANITY FAIR Web: http://vanityfair.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanityfair Facebook: http://ift.tt/O0EzgH Pinterest: http://ift.tt/1zOZzY5 Google+: http://ift.tt/1JGoruB Instagram: http://ift.tt/15Ljj2w Tumblr: http://ift.tt/jmOclE Want even more? Subscribe to The Scene: http://bit.ly/subthescene ABOUT VANITY FAIR Arts and entertainment, business and media, politics, and world affairs—Vanity Fair’s features and exclusive videos capture the people, places, and ideas that define modern culture. Dr. K...

Abandoned Shopify Orders - How To Deal With Them

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/iDi1VKj7R2s Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Subscribe Now — http://bit.ly/2tsYaKB Smart Cart Recovery — http://bit.ly/2egDoMW The store has now had some traffic AND some orders. Unfortunately, the orders were abandoned (which is common place in drop shipping). Here's how to deal with them.

A quick store update...

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/WPZSO7ZtUvw Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Subscribe Now — http://bit.ly/2tsYaKB Get Smart Cart Recovery — http://bit.ly/2egDoMW Today's vid is just a quick store update and a look into some of today's metrics

Ecommerce Lesson Learned - Stupid Mistake

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/A_MSLQCKtK0 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Subscribe Now -- http://bit.ly/2tsYaKB In today's video we'll take a look at the recordings gathered by hotjar.

ان المصدقين والمصدقات واقرضوا الله قرضا حسنا.. حمزة نصايرة

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/qUqQjYx9IFg Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL رابط صفحتي على الفيس بوك .. http://ift.tt/2ucAYFV رابط قناتي على تليجرام .. http://ift.tt/2usOVLi رابط قناتي على انستغرام .. http://ift.tt/2uc3E1X #الله #الحمد_لله #سبحان_الله #استفغر_الله #مكه #المدينة #القران_الكريم #محمد #حمزة_نصايرة

أوباما كيدوي

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/Mofnm7PcnhM Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL

NASA seeks employee to protect Earth from aliens

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/mrLoT8o273A Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

Adnan Januzaj aiming to prove Manchester United wrong after Real Sociedad move

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/NV4KX9wBtdU Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

11 Year Old Boy Drowns Trying to Save His Older Brother

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/Fvg3riVD2GQ Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL contact us : istfidou@gmail.com

How To Travel To A Parallel Universe

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/-CzAu-8iA18 Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Is it just me, or is this universe getting a little weird?... Bonus Video @Patreon: http://ift.tt/2nJcBIp Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com Just look at this weird argument over a giant rubber duck. Canadians never argue about anything and now they're divided by a 30 foot bath toy? Gimme a break.Huh, well that's easier than I thought. All I need to travel to a new universe is do something? Great! According to quantum immortality, the way to leap into a parallel universe is simple; you need to die. If parallel universes exist then where are they in relation to our present universe? Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has proposed that travelling between parallel universes may be possible, if we were able to construct a gateway powered by apparatus that encompassed the entire solar system.

Bitcoin miner life

YouTube Video Link : https://youtu.be/heiPMY9gOWg Via YouTube Channel : AboutURL Converting all Alts to bitcoin, this short story shows you just how crazy it is to become a miner. Amazing music credits to. http://ift.tt/2qWyzbS http://ift.tt/2rrJbD8 http://ift.tt/2qWyuFb 💖 We love these things! 💖 http://amzn.to/2u1VkRQ 💻 What GPUs do we need? 💻 http://bit.ly/2uKIPJJ 📏 Riser Cables! 📏 http://bit.ly/2uS4Qas 📖 Terrific book read it! 📖 http://amzn.to/2uUiGoT 🔗Additions you must have🔗 http://bit.ly/2toPQwt ⚡️How we monitor our electric costs⚡️ http://amzn.to/2ufgsTM 📐Build a Rig 📐 http://ift.tt/2u0iU1D Motherboard- Asus Motherboard Z70-AR CPU- http://amzn.to/2umoJWF Ram- http://amzn.to/2trHgfF Graphics cards- http://bit.ly/2uKIPJJ Risers- http://bit.ly/2uS4Qas WD SSD 250GB M2- http://amzn.to/2tXsSNO M2 Riser- http://bit.ly/2toxhbS Power Supply- http://amzn.to/2tVKlbi Windows License- http://ift.tt/2kDBwf5 🎥 What camera do we use? AX53 🎥 https://goo.gl/NZPu9p 🚀Where do w...